Installing wger


So hard. Okay. Several things. This is if you wish to run it not via Docker. As of today (2021-01-14), their docker images were not working very well for single board computers or for servers. So it had to go via the local.

Install wger

Go to wger’s website, and follow their instructions for installing wger. As of today (2021-01-14), their instructions for running it as a Django app are the following:

sudo apt-get install python3-dev nodejs npm git
sudo npm install -g yarn sass
python3 -m venv wger
source wger/bin/activate
git clone
cd wger
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 develop
wger create-settings
wger bootstrap
wger load-online-fixtures
python3 runserver

Then login as admin and password is adminadmin. This will be launched on its port 8000. But because they are set on http://localhost:8000, you can’t reach it from another computer. So let’s expose some ports…

Open the Ports

Follow this guy’s explanation on (

Now, we’re going to forward the 8000 port to 8001, and expose 8001. Basically, you need to open the firewall port via

sudo ufw allow 8001

Note: You might need to use if you use firewalld systems (e.g. CentOS)

firewall-cmd --add-port=8001/tcp --permanent

On your single board comptuer, you can install a GUI to check the firewall (ufw) with

sudo apt install gufw

Forward Ports

Omg. I need to make another post about this some other time. This is such a useful tool. The iisexpress-proxy allows you to forward ports from XXXX to YYYY wish such ease. Install it with:

npm install -g iisexpress-proxy

Then simply run

iisexpress-proxy 8000 to 8001

And now your port http://localhost.8000 can be seen at http://192.168.1.X:8001

Starting the Server’s wger

I haven’t thought out much about how to launch it yet. I haven’t gotten screen -d -m <command> to work properly. So as of now, do the following:

1) SSH into the Board

2) Run the App

Create a screen and run the app

screen -S wger

Activate the virtual environment

source ~/envs/wger/bin/activate

Run the app and detach

python runserver
# Ctrl + A + D

3) Forward the Port

Create a screen to forward the port

screen -S portforward

Forward the port and detach

iisexpress-proxy 8000 to 8001
# Ctrl + A + D

Now you can access it at the board’s IP and port 8001: http://192.168.1.X:8001