Appending to Dataset in HDF5 (h5py)


Simple Example

This is a reminder of how to add data to a dataset in h5py. Let’s first import some packages, and declare a path for a file

import h5py
import numpy as np

path = "test.h5"

# Optional 
import os

We can create

# Create the file
hdf = h5py.File(path, "a")

# Create an empty dataset with features shaped (40,200)
dset = hdf.create_dataset(
    name  = "my_data",
    shape = (0,40,200),
    maxshape = (None, 40, 200), # None means that this dimension can be extended
    dtype = "float64"
print(dset.shape)   # (0,40,200)
print(type(dset))   # <class 'h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset'>

Here we set the shape as (0,?,?) to mean that it is an empty dataset. We make the maxshape to have the shape (None,?,?), which means that axis 0 can be expanded to whatever we wish. Next, we can start to expand our dataset:

for k in range(3):
    N = 2
    dset.resize(dset.shape[0]+N, axis=0)
    new_data = np.random.random([N,40,200])
    dset[-N:] = new_data
    # (2, 40, 200)
    # (4, 40, 200)
    # (6, 40, 200)

And this is how you iteratively append to a dataset. In order to check for the data in the file

with h5py.File(path,"r") as hdf:
    data = hdf["my_data"][:]
print(data.shape) # (6, 40, 200)
print(type(data)) # <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

Full Code

import h5py
import numpy as np
path = "test.h5"

# Optional 
import os

# Create the file
with h5py.File(path, "a") as hdf:

    # Create an empty dataset with features shaped (40,200)
    dset = hdf.create_dataset(
        name  = "my_data",
        shape = (0,40,200),
        maxshape = (None, 40, 200), # None means that this dimension can be extended
        dtype = "float64"
    print(dset.shape)   # (0,40,200)
    print(type(dset))   # <class 'h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset'>

    for k in range(3):
        N = 2
        dset.resize(dset.shape[0]+N, axis=0)
        new_data = np.random.random([N,40,200])
        dset[-N:] = new_data
        # (2, 40, 200)
        # (4, 40, 200)
        # (6, 40, 200)

with h5py.File(path,"r") as hdf:
    data = hdf["my_data"][:]
print(data.shape) # (6, 40, 200)
print(type(data)) # <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

Example for a Dataset for ML

First import the packages, and establish a destination path

import h5py
import numpy as np 
import random
path = "test.h5"

# Optional

Next open up a HDF5 file in appending mode

hdf = h5py.File(path, "a")

Now we will add groups, where we will keep labels and data. Let’s say we have two different types of features: A and B. We will keep them in separate groups: “features_A” and “features_B”. Here we will create two groups, but we will only work with one.

group_A = hdf.create_group("features_A")
group_B = hdf.create_group("features_B")

And then we will create the datasets. Per group, one dataset will be for features, and another will be for labels. It is important to say that, if you wish to set data in datasets as strings (str), you need to create a special type of data type. We’ll use h5py.special_dtype to do so [Source]

dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)
feats_A = group_A.create_dataset("features",(0,40,200), maxshape=(None,40,200))
labels_A = group_A.create_dataset("gender", (0,), maxshape=(None,), dtype=dt)

Now, let’s set up a few attributes to describe this dataset

group_A.attrs["fs"] = 16000
group_A.attrs["win_dur"] = 0.025
group_A.attrs["hop_dur"] = 0.01

And then we can start to populate the dataset and the labels

gender = ["m", "f"]
for k in range(3):
    feats_A.resize(feats_A.shape[0]+1, axis=0)
    labels_A.resize(labels_A.shape[0]+1, axis=0)

    feats_A[-1] = np.random.random([1,40,200])
    labels_A[-1]= random.sample(gender,1)[0]


Now we can check the results:

with h5py.File(path,"r") as hdf:
    feats = hdf["features_A/features"][:]
    labels= hdf["features_A/gender"][:]
    g1 = hdf["features_A"]
    params = dict(g1.attrs)

import h5py
import numpy as np
import random
path = "test.h5"

# Optional 
import os

with h5py.File(path, "a") as hdf:
    group_A = hdf.create_group("features_A")
    group_B = hdf.create_group("features_B")
    dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)
    feats_A = group_A.create_dataset("features",(0,40,200), maxshape=(None,40,200))
    labels_A = group_A.create_dataset("gender", (0,), maxshape=(None,), dtype=dt)
    group_A.attrs["fs"] = 16000
    group_A.attrs["win_dur"] = 0.025
    group_A.attrs["hop_dur"] = 0.01
    gender = ["m", "f"]
    for k in range(3):
        feats_A.resize(feats_A.shape[0]+1, axis=0)
        labels_A.resize(labels_A.shape[0]+1, axis=0)

        feats_A[-1] = np.random.random([1,40,200])
        labels_A[-1]= random.sample(gender,1)[0]

with h5py.File(path,"r") as hdf:
    feats = hdf["features_A/features"][:]
    labels= hdf["features_A/gender"][:]
    g1 = hdf["features_A"]
    params = dict(g1.attrs)

# {'fs': 16000, 'hop_dur': 0.01, 'win_dur': 0.025}

# (3, 40, 200)

# <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

# ['f', 'm', 'm']

# <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

# <class 'str'>