Tmux Cheatsheet


The prefix key is C-b (Ctrl+b). Here we’ll use arrow to represent any of the arrow keys (left,right,up,down)



" - Splits plane vertically % - Splits plane horizontally arrow - Navigate between panes Ctrl+arrow - Resize current pane q - Show the pane numbers


c - Create new window , - Rename window p - Move to previous window n - Move to next window


( - Move to previous session ) - Move to next session d - Detach from session b - Rename session


If you wish to create multiple panes and launch different things from the command line, you can create a script.

In order to initiate a new session and detach from it from the session

tmux new-session -d

Then you can split the window into two panes with tmux split-window. Here, you can split the window either vertically with the -v flag, or horizontally, with the -h flag. If none are specified, then -v is assumed.

tmux split-window -v

Next you can send commands to the new pane with tmux send. Here, simply send a string followed by ENTER to send the command

tmux send 'ls' ENTER

If you wish to switch panes, you first need to determine the number. Commonly, using Ctrl+b +q will quickly show you the pane numbers. Then by using tmux select-pane, you can choose the pane to move to.

tmux select-pane -t 0

Finally, if you wish to view the session, you can use tmux attach-session. A full working example is shown below:

tmux new-session -d
tmux split-window -v
tmux send 'conda activate myenv' ENTER
tmux send 'python' ENTER
tmux send 'x=1' ENTER
tmux send 'print(x)' ENTER
tmux split-window -v
tmux selected-pane -t 0
tmux send 'node' ENTER
tmux attach-session