This post was highly inspired by Sebastian Raschka’s post
The goal of LDA is to find some linear transformation $\mathbf{x} \rightarrow \mathbf{x}^T W$ that maximizes the between-class covariance with respect to the within-class covariance.
\[\uparrow \frac{S_b}{S_w}\]Here, we can do LDA in a few steps
- Compute the mean vectors of the features for each of the different classes
- Compute the covariance matrices (between-class and within-class covariance matrices)
- Compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues for the covariance matrices
- Sort the eigenvectors by the eigenvalues and choose the top $k$ eigenvectors to obtain the transformation matrix $W$
- Use the transformation matrix $W$ to transform the data
So, let us say that we have a dataset $X$, such that there are $N$ examples, and $F$ features \(X \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times F}\)
And we have its labels $y \in \mathbb{R}^N$
Let us say that there are $C$ total classes, and $N_c$ represents the number of examples in the class $c$, where $c \in [1, C]$, and the dataset $\mathcal{D}_c$ represents all of the examples in the class $c$.
Import Libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
Setup Dataset
df =
label_dict = {
0: "Setosa",
1: "Versicolor",
2: "Virginica"
feature_dict = {0:'sepal_length',
df.columns = list(feature_dict.values())+["label"]
df.dropna(how="all", inplace=True)
X = df.iloc[:,[0,1,2,3]].values
y = df["label"].values
enc = LabelEncoder()
enc =
y = enc.transform(y)
num_classes = len(np.unique(y))
N,F = X.shape
Step 1: Compute the mean vectors
Here, we can compute the mean vectors $\mathbf{m}_c$, where $c \in [1,C]$, with
\[\mathbf{m}_c = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{D}_c|} \sum_{\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{D}_c} \mathbf{x}\]Note that here, $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^F$, as a column vector. Also note that $\mathbf{m}$ represents the overall mean of the whole dataset
\[\mathbf{m} = \frac{1}{|X|} \sum_{\mathbf{x} \in X} \mathbf{x}\]mean_vectors = []
for label in range(num_classes):
mu_c = np.mean(X[y==label],axis=0)
m = np.mean(X,axis=0).reshape(F,1)
Step 2: Compute the Covariance Matrices
Class Covariance
To compute a class covariance $S_c$, we can have \(S_c = \sum_{\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{D}_c} (\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{m}_c)(\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{m}_c)^T\)
Within-Class Covariance
To compute the within-class covariance, \(S_w = \sum_{c=1}^C S_c \in \mathbb{R}^{F \times F}\)
Between-Class Covariance
The between-class covariance can be computed as \(S_b = \sum_{c=1}^C |\mathcal{D}_c| (\mathbf{m}_c - \mathbf{m}) (\mathbf{m}_c - \mathbf{m})^T \in \mathbb{R}^{F\times F}\)
def class_covariance(_class):
global mean_vectors
S_c = np.zeros((F,F))
m_c = mean_vectors[_class].reshape(F,1)
for x in X[y==_class]:
x = x.reshape(F,1)
S_c += (x-m_c).dot((x-m_c).T)
return S_c
# Within Class Covariance
S_w = np.zeros((F,F))
for class_num in range(num_classes):
S_w += class_covariance(class_num)
# Between Class Covariance
S_b = np.zeros((F,F))
for class_num in range(num_classes):
N_c, _ = X[y==class_num].shape
m_c = mean_vectors[class_num].reshape(F,1)
S_b += N_c * (m_c - m).dot((m_c - m).T)
print("Within-class Covariance")
print("Between-class Covariance")
Within-class Covariance
[[38.9562 13.683 24.614 5.6556]
[13.683 17.035 8.12 4.9132]
[24.614 8.12 27.22 6.2536]
[ 5.6556 4.9132 6.2536 6.1756]]
Between-class Covariance
[[ 63.21213333 -19.534 165.16466667 71.36306667]
[-19.534 10.9776 -56.0552 -22.4924 ]
[165.16466667 -56.0552 436.64373333 186.90813333]
[ 71.36306667 -22.4924 186.90813333 80.60413333]]
Step 3: Solve the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem
So, here, we understand that the eig(A)
function solves for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of $A$, where $A\mathbf{v} = \lambda \mathbf{v}$. Now, the linear constraints are such that
Therefore, we can compute the eigv*’s for it as
\[eig(\underbrace{S_w^{-1}S_b}_{\mathbb{R}^{F\times F}})\]A = np.linalg.inv(S_w).dot(S_b)
eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eig(A)
# Show the Eigenvalue Solutions
for k in range(len(eigval)):
evec = eigvec[:,k].reshape(F,1)
print("Eigval: ",eigval[k])
print("Eigvec: \n",evec)
decimal = 6, verbose=True
print("All eigvecs and eigvals match.")
Eigval: 32.27195779972981
[[ 0.20490976]
[ 0.38714331]
Eigval: 0.27756686384004264
[ 0.25428655]
Eigval: -4.1311796919088535e-15
[ 0.16963186]
[ 0.12293803]
[ 0.50407077]]
Eigval: 1.1953730364935478e-14
[[ 0.20003692]
[ 0.77167076]]
All eigvecs and eigvals match.
Step 4: Select the linear discriminants for the new latent subspace
Here, all you have to do is to find the top $k$ eigenvalues and their respective eigenvectors. And then set the transformation. So, if $\mathbf{w}_F$ is the eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue $\lambda_F$, and $\mathbf{w}_1$ is the eigenvector associated with the smallest eigenvalue $\lambda_1$ of $S_w^{-1}S_b$, and
\[\lambda_1 \leq \lambda_2 \leq \cdots \leq \lambda_F\]Then the transformation matrix $W$ is
\[W = \begin{bmatrix} | & | & & | \\ \mathbf{w}_F & \mathbf{w}_{F-1} & \cdots & \mathbf{w}_{F-k} \\ | & | & & | \\ \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{F \times k}\]eigenpairs = [
(np.abs(eigval[k]), eigvec[:,k]) for k in range(len(eigval))
# Show the Sorted Eigen Pairs
print("Unsorted: ")
for eval,evec in eigenpairs:
eigenpairs = sorted(eigenpairs, key=lambda pair: pair[0],reverse=True)
print("Sorted in Decreasing Order: ")
for eval,evec in eigenpairs:
tot_eigval = np.sum(eigval)
for i,(e_val, e_vec) in enumerate(eigenpairs):
print("Eigenvalue {}: {:.2f}%".format(i,e_val/tot_eigval*100))
32.27195779972981 [ 0.20490976 0.38714331 -0.54648218 -0.71378517]
0.27756686384004264 [-0.00898234 -0.58899857 0.25428655 -0.76703217]
4.1311796919088535e-15 [-0.83786868 0.16963186 0.12293803 0.50407077]
1.1953730364935478e-14 [ 0.20003692 -0.39490682 -0.45668159 0.77167076]
Sorted in Decreasing Order:
32.27195779972981 [ 0.20490976 0.38714331 -0.54648218 -0.71378517]
0.27756686384004264 [-0.00898234 -0.58899857 0.25428655 -0.76703217]
1.1953730364935478e-14 [ 0.20003692 -0.39490682 -0.45668159 0.77167076]
4.1311796919088535e-15 [-0.83786868 0.16963186 0.12293803 0.50407077]
Eigenvalue 0: 99.15%
Eigenvalue 1: 0.85%
Eigenvalue 2: 0.00%
Eigenvalue 3: 0.00%
By looking at this, it looks like the most informative eigenpairs are the top 2
k = 2
Step 5: Transform the Data to the Latent Subspace
Now, the samples in the data space can be placed in the latent subspace by multiplying it by the transformation matrix $W$
\[\underbrace{U}_{\mathbb{R}_{N \times k}} = \underbrace{X}_{\mathbb{R}^{N\times F}}\underbrace{W}_{\mathbb{R}^{F \times k}}\]This will lead that $W$ will be able to diagonalizes both $S_b$ and $S_w$, making LDA able to decorrelate the data between and within classes.
\[W^T S_b W = \begin{bmatrix}* & & & \\ & * & & \\ & & \ddots & \\ & & & * \end{bmatrix}\] \[W^T S_w W = \begin{bmatrix}* & & & \\ & * & & \\ & & \ddots & \\ & & & * \end{bmatrix}\]W = np.zeros((F,k))
for i in range(k):
W[:,i] = eigenpairs[i][1]
X_lda =
print("X.shape: ",X.shape)
print("W.shape: ",W.shape)
print("X_lda.shape: ", X_lda.shape)
X.shape: (150, 4)
W.shape: (4, 2)
X_lda.shape: (150, 2)
Showing the Results
markers = ["o","x","^"]
colors = ["blue","red","cyan"]
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
for i in range(num_classes):
X_c = X_lda[y==i]
x = X_c[:,0],
y = X_c[:,1],
label = label_dict[i]
ax.set_title("Data Projection to 2 Linear Discriminants")